Join at Fruit Haven: Permaculture Volunteer Opportunities in Ecuador

Gualaquiza, Ecuador
  • Language Spoken
    English, Spanish
  • Accomodation Provided
  • Meals Included
  • Amenities
    Wifi, Kitchen
  • Types of Help & Learning Opportunities
    Animal Care, Building & Repairing, Farm Help, Gardening & Planting

About Fruit Haven Ecovillage:

Fruit Haven Ecovillage, established in 2016, has evolved into a transparently co-directed eco-village comprising seven independent properties. The community encourages potential residents to engage in a six-month trial period to ascertain alignment with its values, vision, and lifestyle expectations, emphasizing a commitment to health, non-violence, and compassion. They provide various avenues for joining or visiting, including volunteering, renting a room or cabin, and buying land. With over 40 owners participating in the group land buy, the ecovillage supports decentralized organizational structures and advocates for involvement through land ownership, which solidifies one’s engagement in the project.

Fruit Haven Ecovillage is situated approximately 45 minutes south of its sister community, Terra Frutis, in a tropical climate region in Ecuador, characterized by an annual rainfall of around 1900mm. The community’s location provides an abundance of fruits throughout the year, with an array of options available in both local markets and neighboring farms. Access to the ecovillage is facilitated through bicycle, motorcycle, quad, or boat, as it is not reachable by car due to the narrow bridge. Additionally, the community is in close proximity to hospitals, markets, and public transportation services.

About Fruit Haven: Permaculture Volunteer Opportunities in Ecuador:

Fruit Haven in southeast Ecuador is offering an engaging volunteer opportunity for individuals keen on permaculture and sustainable farming. As a part of the vegan community, volunteers will embrace a raw food diet while actively participating in maintaining the fruit forest project. The experience encompasses hands-on training, workshops, and the opportunity to learn about tropical fruit varieties and permaculture techniques. Volunteers may also aspire to become long-term residents or community members within the project, with the option to purchase land within the community.

**Volunteer Opportunities Duties and Benefits:**
– **Agriculture/Permaculture:** Planting trees, tree maintenance, weed clearance, mulching, and vegetable garden work.
– **Nursery Work:** Tending to young trees/plants in the nursery.
– **Facilities Maintenance:** Cleaning, organizing communal areas, and kitchen and pool maintenance.
– **Harvesting:** Picking fruits and vegetables, sorting, cleaning, and packing.
– **Group Work Education:** Weekly workshops, training sessions on tropical fruit varieties, permaculture techniques, and biochar production.

**Benefits for Volunteers:**
– Hands-on experience in permaculture and sustainable farming practices.
– Access to free food produced on the farm and participation in weekly workshops.
– Opportunity to learn about a variety of tropical fruit varieties.
– Personal growth through immersion in a vegan community with a focus on a raw food diet.
– Potential for long-term residency or community membership within the Fruit Haven project.
– Unique opportunities for cultural immersion and learning about sustainable living practices.

**Length of Stay:** Typically 1 to 3 months for volunteers; shorter stays are subject to a $5/day rate instead of the monthly rate.

**Logistics:** Volunteers are required to pay a $100 security deposit, which is returned after their stay. The monthly fee includes the use of facilities such as the pool, kitchen, bathroom, shower, and campsite accommodation. Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, and blankets. Additionally, there are limited foam mats and tents available for rent at $1/day.

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