Teach English Abroad as a Volunteer

Salasaca, Ecuador
  • Language Spoken
    English, Spanish
  • Accomodation Provided
  • Minimum Commitment (In Days)
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Types of Help & Learning Opportunities
    Gardening & Planting, Language Practice, Teaching

About Teach English Abroad as a Volunteer Opportunity:


There is no required minimum time to stay. Some volunteers stay for one week while others stay for a year. We want you to enjoy you time here. At the moment you are ready to leave, the foundation will support your decision.

Volunteers live all together at Hosteria Pachamama. There are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big living room, a kitchen and wonderful views of Chimborazo volcano.


It is mandatory to pay a $30 fee per week. The foundation is not being funded by the government or any other private organization. Therefore, without the volunteers fee and donations, the foundation activities will cease. This fee is used to pay food, wifi, gas, electricity, rent, water and hot water. The foundation gives sheets, blankets and three meals a day. Volunteers are in charge of cooking and cleaning the kitchen. In the house, there are rules and prohibitions that ensure the good and calm cohabitation.

You are free to travel or stay at Pachamama in the weekends, as you want. Volunteers usually have fun together in Salasaca’s festivals, celebrations or trips. You can always ask us where to go, what to visit or how to get there.

Volunteer Schedule

Monday to Thursday:

– 7:00 am: Attend classes at the public school in Mazanapamba
– Travel by camionette (25 cents) or walk (20 minutes)
– Assist the English teacher with classes for children aged 5-18
– Option to choose specific age groups (e.g., 10-15 years old) and help with other subjects
– Coordinate with Micaela, the school director, and teachers

– 12:45 pm (or earlier): Finish morning classes

– 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm: Prepare and have lunch together

– 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Prepare for afternoon English classes
– Use available materials for preparation

– 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm: Conduct free English classes at Hostería Pachamama
– Classes for children aged 9-12, advanced young adults, and beginner adults
– Adjust levels based on demand and volunteer availability

– 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Prepare activities for the next day’s morning classes

– 7:00 pm: Prepare and have dinner together


– 7:00 am – 12:45 pm: Attend classes at the public school (same as Monday to Thursday)

– 12:45 pm – 1:30 pm: Prepare and have lunch together

Afternoon: Free time (no afternoon English classes)
– Often used for shopping at the Mayorista market in Pelileo
– Option to shop at the central market or in Ambato
– Can also buy essentials in the center of Salasaka

Saturday and Sunday:

– All day: Free time for travel and exploration
– Many buses available from Salasaka to Baños, Ambato, or Quito
– Option to travel with other volunteers or join trips organized by Micaela

Additional Opportunities:

– Garden Activities:
– Talk to Micaela and Francisca if interested in garden work
– Regular garden activities are expected to resume as volunteer numbers increase

This schedule allows volunteers to effectively contribute to the community while also having time for personal activities and exploration.

About The Sumak Kawsay Yachay Foundation:

The SUMAK KAWSAY YACHAY foundation is situated in Salasaca, an Ecuadorian indigenous community rich in culture and traditions.

Established in 1997 through the efforts of Rosa Maria Masaquiza Chango, the foundation focuses on supporting the education of Salasaca’s indigenous children and adults.

Over the years, numerous volunteers have played a crucial role in the foundation’s development. From its inception, the foundation has welcomed volunteers, valuing any form of assistance. Volunteers are essential to the foundation’s success.

Those who volunteer find it a unique experience, gaining insights into the community and its culture, and meeting indigenous people and fellow volunteers from around the globe.

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