Volunteer at Kadampa Meditation Centre in UK

Cumbria, UK
  • Language Spoken
  • Exchange hours per day
  • Days off per Week
  • Accomodation Provided
  • Meals Included
  • Minimum Commitment (In Days)
  • Amenities
  • Types of Help & Learning Opportunities
    Arts & Culture, Building & Repairing, Gardening & Planting, General Maintenance, Kitchen & Bar Help, Spiritual Growth

About Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre:

Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre (MKMC) is a prominent center for modern Kadampa Buddhism located in Ulverston, Cumbria, England. Founded by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, MKMC serves as a hub for individuals seeking peace, mindfulness, and spiritual development. The center is part of the New Kadampa Tradition, which emphasizes the practical application of Buddhism in daily life. The extensive facilities include a dedicated Kadampa Buddhist Temple, meditation rooms, and a café, situated in a serene environment conducive to meditation and reflection.

Historically, the center was established to provide a space for people to come together to learn and practice Buddhism under the guidance of experienced teachers. It has grown into an internationally recognized institution, attracting visitors from around the world. The community at MKMC is diverse, comprising individuals from various backgrounds who are unified in their pursuit of inner peace and understanding. The center hosts a variety of events, including community classes, retreats, and festivals that promote the teachings of Buddhism and encourage participation from both locals and visitors.

MKMC offers an array of activities designed to foster community engagement and spiritual growth. Weekly classes in meditation and teachings led by resident teachers, such as Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, provide regular opportunities for learning and practice. Special events like the International Summer Festival and various retreats further enhance the communal experience, allowing participants to deepen their understanding of Buddhist principles. The center emphasizes inclusivity, welcoming everyone to partake in its programs, regardless of their experience level. With its commitment to building a supportive community and promoting the principles of modern Buddhism, MKMC continues to flourish as a place of peace and spiritual development.

About Volunteer at Kadampa Meditation Centre in UK:

Volunteering at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre (KMC) offers a unique opportunity for individuals to immerse themselves in a vibrant Buddhist community, participate in meaningful projects, and experience the peaceful surroundings of Conishead Priory, set in the beautiful English Lake District. Volunteers can engage in a variety of activities, from cooking and gardening to assisting in the Kadampa Art Studio and Tharpa Publications. This experience not only fosters a sense of belonging but also provides a chance to grow personally and spiritually while learning about the Buddhist way of life.

Volunteer Opportunities: Duties and Benefits

**Duties and Responsibilities:**
– Join daily community activities, including cooking, gardening, housekeeping, and decorating.
– Participate in building projects or other specific tasks, depending on skills offered.
– Attend daily guided meditations and evening classes, with the option to participate in weekend courses.

**Details of Volunteer Engagement:**
– **Length of Stay:** Starts with a one-week trial; opportunities for both short-term and longer-term volunteering.
– **Hours per Day:** Commitment of 30 hours per week, typically spread over five days.
– **Days Off per Week:** Two days free each week to explore the area or relax.
– **Accommodation:** Free dormitory accommodation provided for the duration of the stay.

**Benefits for Volunteers:**
– Three vegetarian meals provided daily, with options for vegan and gluten-free diets.
– Free access to meditation classes and spiritual activities.
– Opportunity to gain practical skills in community living, cooking, gardening, and project management.
– Unique experiences for personal growth and cultural immersion within a Buddhist community.
– Development of friendships and connections with like-minded individuals.

– Volunteers must apply in advance, complete application processes, and provide references.
– A towel, sturdy footwear, waterproof clothing, and suitable comfortable attire should be brought.
– Participants are expected to adhere to community principles, including no alcohol or smoking on the premises.

– A deposit may be required to secure the volunteer position, details of which can be obtained during the application process.

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