In 2001, Richard Vaughan, a Texan business student, embarked on a pioneering venture to transform an abandoned Spanish village into an English-speaking hub. Vaughan brought together 20 English speakers from around the world and 20 Spaniards, challenging them to immerse themselves in the language and culture over a 6-day program. This initial pilot project marked the beginning of VaughanTown, an innovative linguistic experience that has since grown exponentially.
Over the past two decades, VaughanTown has conducted over 900 programs, attracting more than 15,000 English-speaking volunteers and Spanish clients. Vaughan’s vision was to “infiltrate” the Spanish-speaking country with a diverse cross-section of English speakers, from retired Irish farmers to Canadian civil servants to Los Angeles firefighters to Australian businessmen. By establishing a vibrant, English-speaking community, VaughanTown aims to provide Spaniards with a unique opportunity to improve their fluency through constant conversation and interaction.
The VaughanTown program offers both 6-day “VaughanTown” experiences and 2-day “WeekendTown” programs, pairing volunteers and Spanish clients one-on-one to engage in non-stop English conversation. The immersive experience also includes group activities, such as presentations, theater skits, and cultural excursions, all conducted in English. Through this innovative approach, VaughanTown has created a rewarding cultural exchange, transforming the way Spaniards learn and engage with the English language.
Volunteering in the VaughanTown and WeekendTown programs:
VaughanTown Programs:
1. 5 nights’ accommodation
2. 3 meals per day at the venues
3. Return bus transfers between the venues and Madrid
4. Multi-assistance travel insurance policy throughout the program duration
WeekendTown Programs:
1. Saturday – Welcome breakfast, lunch & dinner
2. 1 night’s hotel accommodation (Saturday) with private en-suite bedroom
3. Sunday – Breakfast & lunch
4. Multi-assistance travel insurance during the program schedule
The key things provided in exchange for volunteering seem to be:
– Accommodation
– Meals
– Transportation
– Insurance coverage
– Cultural immersion and interaction with Spanish participants
The VaughanTown program appears to offer a more comprehensive package, covering 5 nights and all meals, while the WeekendTown program is a shorter 1-night stay with fewer included meals.
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