Volunteer Opportunity in Bolivia to Support Local Ecosystem

Riberalta, Bolivia
  • Language Spoken
    Spanish, English
  • Exchange hours per day
  • Days off per Week
  • Accomodation Provided
  • Meals Included
    Vegetables or Fruits Provided
  • Minimum Commitment (In Days)
  • Amenities
    Wifi, Garden, Kitchen
  • Types of Help & Learning Opportunities
    Gardening & Planting, Event Help & Guest Entertainment, Teaching, Spiritual Growth

About Sustainable Bolivia:

Sustainable Bolivia (SB) is a 501(c)(3) international non-profit organization established in 2007 in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Its primary mission is to support local Bolivian organizations through the allocation of human and financial resources. The organization focuses on conservation and sustainable development within the context of the Bolivian Amazon, particularly in the Aquicuana Reserve. This initiative highlights SB’s commitment to addressing environmental and social challenges faced by local communities while fostering their involvement in sustainable practices.

The Aquicuana Reserve, centrally located about 20 kilometers from Riberalta in the Beni Department, spans over 20,000 hectares of rich rainforest. This area is recognized for its incredible biodiversity and is critical for the ecological health of the Amazon. In collaboration with local communities such as Warnes and San Jose, SB established the Reserve to protect this vital habitat and preserve its natural resources. By ensuring community involvement in conservation efforts, SB aims to empower local populations and raise awareness about the importance of environmental stewardship.

Sustainable Bolivia’s work includes a range of initiatives focused on community-based ecotourism, environmental education, and biological research within the Aquicuana Reserve. After a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SB resumed volunteer projects in June 2022, with a renewed focus on the Reserve while still assisting local organizations in Riberalta through volunteer and internship placements. The organization partners with seven local entities to enhance education and environmental efforts, as well as providing opportunities for international students and professionals. Furthermore, SB operates a Spanish and Indigenous Language School, teaching native languages like Chacobo, Cavineño, and Ese Ejja, thereby promoting cultural preservation in tandem with ecological conservation. Through these diverse activities, Sustainable Bolivia fosters community engagement and contributes to sustainable development in the region.

About Volunteer Opportunity in Bolivia to Support Local Ecosystem:

Volunteering at Pisatahua, an integrative plant-medicine retreat located in the Aquicuana Reserve, provides a unique opportunity for individuals interested in sustainable practices and holistic healing. Volunteers are immersed in both the natural beauty of the reserve and the vibrant culture of Riberalta, where they can contribute to meaningful projects that promote community wellness and environmental sustainability. This experience not only enriches the local ecosystem but also fosters personal growth and cultural understanding.

### Volunteer Opportunities: Duties and Benefits

**Duties and Responsibilities:**
– Assist in maintaining the Aquicuana Reserve’s gardens and medicinal plant pathways.
– Participate in workshops that educate visitors about local flora and sustainable practices.
– Support coordinated events and retreats within the Pisatahua program.
– Engage in community outreach, helping local residents learn about plant medicine and conservation.
– Collaborate with fellow volunteers and staff in daily operational tasks.

**Types of Projects or Activities:**
– Gardening and cultivation of medicinal plants.
– Teaching and participation in workshops.
– Assisting in organizing community events.
– Collaborating on environmental conservation initiatives.

– **Length of Stay:** Typically 2 weeks to several months, depending on the volunteer’s commitment.
– **Hours per Day:** Volunteers work approximately 5-6 hours per day.
– **Days Off per Week:** Generally 1-2 days off per week.
– **Accommodation:** Volunteers stay in a communal home in Riberalta, providing a shared living experience.

**Benefits for Volunteers:**
– Hands-on experience in sustainable agriculture and plant medicine.
– Development of skills related to teamwork, communication, and community engagement.
– Opportunities for personal growth through cultural immersion and connection with local communities.
– A chance to enhance knowledge of ecological principles and wellness practices.

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